Emily Kuo

Senior Sales Operation Specialist at Novartis Taiwan Ltd.

Emily Kuo's Summary

• Experienced in multi-national and global companies. • Good business acumen:Expert in sales, marketing, HR, procurement and general administration support. • Excellent professional knowledge and skills in customer management and MS office (Excel's Pivot Table Report), MS project and Movie maker. • Good personality and interpersonal skills: -Good self-awareness help to appropriately judge self-confidence and self-learning. High resilience in managing change, accept new concepts and new things. -Good communication skills to ally partners to coordinate activities and achieve task goal. • Seize accountability:With mature philosophy and high ownership in job responsibility and employee role. • Result oriented:Focus on the value and impact from the result. • Innovative thinking:Dare to try the new or different thoughts and way to resolve the problems or issues, and willing to challenge the current status to achieve stretch goal.

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Frequently Asked Questions regarding Emily Kuo

What company does Emily Kuo work for?

Emily Kuo works for Novartis Taiwan Ltd. as Senior Sales Operation Specialist

What is Emily Kuo role in Novartis Taiwan Ltd.?

Emily Kuo roles in Novartis Taiwan Ltd. is Senior Sales Operation Specialist

Where is Emily Kuo based?

Emily Kuo is based in Taipei, Taipei City.

What industry does Emily Kuo work in?

Emily Kuo works in the industry of: Medical Practice

Who is Novartis Taiwan Ltd.'s Senior Sales Operation Specialist?

Novartis Taiwan Ltd. 's Senior Sales Operation Specialist is Emily Kuo