Jose Buco

Founder/CEO/President at Quality Care Physical Therapy, PC.

Jose Buco's Summary

The first Quality Care Physical Therapy was founded in 1996 in New York, NY by Jose Buco and has grown from a single QCPT in Brooklyn, New York to three branches with headquarters in Manhattan. The QCPT patient care facilities have expanded into the area of holistic health and physical fitness at the QCPT Wellness Club. The cornerstone of the Quality Care Physical Therapy business philosophy is to bring to the health, wellness and physical therapy business a well-designed operation that provides skilled healing, holistic health and physical fitness in a clean, artistic and pleasant environment at reasonable prices. The combination of the wellness and physical therapy business, together with fair pricing and a pleasant staff, offers the public an excellent choice for the achievement of whole body health. We believe strongly in this philosophy, and we have now added to it a new ingredient, franchising. With an excellent team of franchisees and a lot of hard work, the QCPT Wellness Club will remain a continued success. Congratulations on connecting with us in creating America’s first great whole body QCPT Wellness Club. Specialties: Physical therapy, skilled healing, holistic health, physical fitness, body reshaping/ weight control, massage and skin rejuvenation, whole body health, franchise and network marketing professional.

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Frequently Asked Questions regarding Jose Buco

What company does Jose Buco work for?

Jose Buco works for Quality Care Physical Therapy, PC. as Founder/CEO/President

What is Jose Buco role in Quality Care Physical Therapy, PC.?

Jose Buco roles in Quality Care Physical Therapy, PC. is Founder/CEO/President

Where is Jose Buco based?

Jose Buco is based in New York, New York, United States.

Who is Quality Care Physical Therapy, PC.'s Founder/CEO/President?

Quality Care Physical Therapy, PC. 's Founder/CEO/President is Jose Buco