Tracy Lee

销售经理 at Suncycle Environment Technology Co., Ltd

Tracy Lee's Summary

Suncycle Environment Technology Co.,Ltd was established on August 31, 2017. Since now company have 185 employees, registered capital : 115 million; in 2023 turnover is 175 million; At present, the company’s product mainly include softener Styrenic gel strong acid cation exchange resin(001x7、001x8、001x10); Styrenic gel strong base anion exchange resin(201x2、201x4、201x5、201x7) ; Styrenic macroporous strong acid cation exchange resin(D001); Styrenic macroporous strong base anion exchange resin(D201、D202); Styrenic macroporous weak base anion exchange resin(D301、D301G); Company’s total production capacity is 22000 tons per year, the cation exchange resin(include macroporous cation resin) is 7000 tons per year; Anion exchange resin(include macroporous base resin) is 15000 tons per year; Our ion exchange resin focus on purification、filtration area, mainly used in medicine, water treatment, Juice purification,hydrometallurgy and other industries.

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Frequently Asked Questions regarding Tracy Lee

What company does Tracy Lee work for?

Tracy Lee works for Suncycle Environment Technology Co., Ltd as 销售经理

What is Tracy Lee role in Suncycle Environment Technology Co., Ltd?

Tracy Lee roles in Suncycle Environment Technology Co., Ltd is 销售经理

Where is Tracy Lee based?

Tracy Lee is based in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China.

What industry does Tracy Lee work in?

Tracy Lee works in the industry of: Chemical Raw Materials Manufacturing

Who is Suncycle Environment Technology Co., Ltd's 销售经理?

Suncycle Environment Technology Co., Ltd 's 销售经理 is Tracy Lee