Ana Ovejero's Summary

I’m Ana G Ovejero, a qualified life coach, mentor, and teacher with extensive experience in helping individuals grow into the best version of themselves. Throughout my professional trajectory, my vocation for teaching became evident as I trained and worked as a teacher for many years. However, I found myself drawn to studying human behavior and its impact on our personalities, particularly during childhood. Pursuing "Early Childhood Studies" at Roehampton University, I delved into understanding how interactions, experiences, and situations shape whom we become as adults. Having experienced a challenging childhood myself, I felt a strong desire to work with children, aiming to create positive childhood experiences. As I immersed myself in teaching, I began to realize the limitations of the educational system, which heavily prioritized academics. This led me to develop a profound interest in emotional intelligence education. I took the initiative of creating workshops for my pupils and offering informal mentoring to their parents through various events. My emotional journey further highlighted the significance of mental and emotional foundations during childhood in shaping adult personalities and how our personalities have a direct impact on our relationships. Recognizing the importance of parental influence and children's learning through imitation, I understood that mentoring parents on promoting emotional, physical, and mental balance in their children was not enough. I realized that parents needed to work on themselves too, healing any unconscious childhood wounds and presenting themselves as balanced adults to become a positive frame of reference for their children. This realization prompted a transition from teaching to mentoring, and eventually, to human interaction coaching. I underwent coaching and counseling training, combining my studies with my professional background and my life experience to offer a unique approach to helping others achieve optimum interactions in their lives. By empowering individuals to heal and grow, I guide them toward becoming mentally, emotionally, and socially balanced individuals, enabling healthier relationships and a more fulfilling life.

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Frequently Asked Questions regarding Ana Ovejero

Where is Ana Ovejero based?

Ana Ovejero is based in London, England.

What industry does Ana Ovejero work in?

Ana Ovejero works in the industry of: Government Administration