Dean Cannell

Blockchain XYZ at Blockchain XYZ

Dean Cannell's Summary

20+ years experience building technology companies, with a core specialty in governance, growth/funding and tech infrastructure - current focus: Blockchain / AI

Contact Information

Frequently Asked Questions regarding Dean Cannell

What company does Dean Cannell work for?

Dean Cannell works for Blockchain XYZ as Blockchain XYZ

What is Dean Cannell role in Blockchain XYZ?

Dean Cannell roles in Blockchain XYZ is Blockchain XYZ

Where is Dean Cannell based?

Dean Cannell is based in United States.

What industry does Dean Cannell work in?

Dean Cannell works in the industry of: Blockchain Services

Who is Blockchain XYZ's Blockchain XYZ?

Blockchain XYZ 's Blockchain XYZ is Dean Cannell