Sheila Mcintyre

CEO, Digital Business Leader, High Yielding Stock Investor, Serial Entrepreneur, Travel Photographer at Sheila Kay McIntyre

Sheila Mcintyre's Summary

I share Stock Tips & Passive Income & Business Ideas that will make you wealthy. I was a single Mom working 2 jobs, when I taught myself how to earn high % returns in the stock market and found new companies that grew over 1000%+ I also figured out a way to automatically buy low, “Limit” orders of Stocks. I set it up and the system will buy the stock once it dropped to the number I want and I only have to reset it every 3 months to the “Good til Cancelled” time setting. In my LinkedIn posts and articles I share this info so click on #SheilaKayMcIntyre and the “follow” button on that page. I’m also starting youtube videos under my name. I’m also very Spiritual after 2 Near Death Experiences (NDE’s) & feeling the overwhelming Love of Jesus when he held me in his arms, as well as being healed by Jesus from the Covid Variant & other Life Threatening Illnesses, I have decided to dedicate my Life to God. ✝️ He has worked through me to heal Cancer patients in “2003” & even raise an elderly lady from the dead. I checked all her vital signs and knew for a fact she had died. I will write a book about my NDE’s to share with everyone and will build a Spiritual Healing Center. I’m also working on a NEW Website where I will share many of my experiences, all the Spiritual Gifts that were given to me (mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:1-11) and the many MIRACLES I experienced & witnessed. No money in the world can bring the joy & peace that Jesus can. I learned the hard way, if you don’t have your health, nothing else matters. You can’t take your Money to Heaven! Saving Lives & Souls through the Love of Jesus Christ, who died for our illnesses & sins, is all that really matters. Especially now that this World is facing so much Pain. Jesus is returning soon! I pray you repent from your Sins and follow the TRUTH, not the lies on TV. When I went to Heaven I was told many things that will happen, of which much has already come true. God Bless You All! ✝️🙏🏼💜🕊

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