Tom Obenaus

Abteilungsleiter Informationstechnik und Organisation at AGAPLESION in Mitteldeutschland

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Frequently Asked Questions regarding Tom Obenaus

What company does Tom Obenaus work for?

Tom Obenaus works for AGAPLESION in Mitteldeutschland as Abteilungsleiter Informationstechnik und Organisation

What is Tom Obenaus role in AGAPLESION in Mitteldeutschland?

Tom Obenaus roles in AGAPLESION in Mitteldeutschland is Abteilungsleiter Informationstechnik und Organisation

Where is Tom Obenaus based?

Tom Obenaus is based in Leipzig, Saxony, Germany.

What industry does Tom Obenaus work in?

Tom Obenaus works in the industry of: Hospitals and Health Care

Who is AGAPLESION in Mitteldeutschland's Abteilungsleiter Informationstechnik und Organisation?

AGAPLESION in Mitteldeutschland 's Abteilungsleiter Informationstechnik und Organisation is Tom Obenaus