William Kassebaum

Vice President at Sims-Durkin Associates Engineering Co.

William Kassebaum's Summary

William R. Kassebaum (Will) has over 30 years working in the private and government sectors, Will has extensive systems & computer (HW/SW) engineering, executive management, program management, and entrepreneurial experience. Will is an experienced technologist and computer hardware/software engineer. Will was the founding CEO of several Indianapolis based technology companies including Algaeon Inc - a local biotechnology startup company. His pioneering work at the Naval Air Warfare Center earned him and his team the prestigious National Performance Review "Heroes Of Government Reinvention" award presented by the Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Vice President of the United States. While working with private companies such as Escient, he has led teams that developed award-winning products. Mr. Kassebaum holds a Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University and has been a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Indiana. He is a past Chair, former Director, and current Vice Chair of the Central Indiana Section of the IEEE. And served on the IEEE-USA Board of Directors as Vice President Career & Member Services 2014-15, and as a corresponding member of the Entrepreneurship & Innovation Policy Committee of the IEEE-USA, a Founder and Co-Chair of the Central Indiana Engineering Consultants’ Network, and is a Past Chair and member of the Alliance of IEEE Consultants’ Networks (AICN), a committee of the IEEE-USA.

Contact Information

Frequently Asked Questions regarding William Kassebaum

What company does William Kassebaum work for?

William Kassebaum works for Sims-Durkin Associates Engineering Co. as Vice President

What is William Kassebaum role in Sims-Durkin Associates Engineering Co.?

William Kassebaum roles in Sims-Durkin Associates Engineering Co. is Vice President

What is William Kassebaum’s email address?

William Kassebaum's email address is W******@sims-durkin.com

What is William Kassebaum's business email address?

William Kassebaum's business email address is W****@sims-durkin.com

Where is William Kassebaum based?

William Kassebaum is based in Greater Indianapolis.

What industry does William Kassebaum work in?

William Kassebaum works in the industry of: Design Services

Who is Sims-Durkin Associates Engineering Co.'s Vice President?

Sims-Durkin Associates Engineering Co. 's Vice President is William Kassebaum